Monday, 26 November 2007

Growing, growing ...

Phew! These past few months we've been run off our feet. Lots of playgroups are using the indoor playground, the website traffic is soaring (about 1,600 unique visitors this month) and every weekend we have one or two birthday parties to host (not to mention deliveries to other parties in our customers' own homes).

To keep pace with demand we've had to expand our stock pretty rapidly. Winther trikes, Like-a-Bikes, a large inflatable Thomas the Tank Engine play tunnel, "travel systems" that double up as a plane seat booster and a carseat, mini trampolines, bobby cars, bubble machines and countless other thingummybobs. Every cent we earn goes back into the business.

We have a growing number of rentals by visitors coming from Australia or further afield. In September, for example, a competitor in the Aviva Iron Man triathlon and his wife rented a twin stroller while staying at the Ritz-Carlton. In recognition of this kind of service we've been listed on the official Singapore tourism website as a "pro-family" business!

We've also been listed on the Birthdays page of the very informative Singapore for Kids website and the New Mothers' Support Group did a feature on us in a recent newsletter. NMSG have had a playgroup session at the toy rental club, as did Twins Plus last month. (Rose, as a mother of triplets herself, is a member.)